How to use Remote commands in the Cloud Management Console


This functionality allows operating commands for a device or a group of devices remotely.

The list of remote commands available for operating:

  • backup — launching of the backup process for a device or a group of devices remotely;
  • cancel — cancellation of the backup process for  a device or a group of devices remotely;
  • recheck — forcing all files to be re-checked during next backup for  a device or a group of devices remotely;
  • reset — BackupFP remote re-initialization for  a device or a group of devices;
  • restore —  launching a restore process fo  a device or a group of devices remotely;
  • set logging level — setting non-standard logging level for  a device or a group of devices;
  • upload logs — uploading of logs from the side of  a device or a group of devices;
  • set backup filter — adding, deleting, cleaning of filters for  a device or a group of devices remotely;
  • set bandwidth —  setting bandwidth parameters for  a device or a group of devices remotely;
  • set gui password — setting gui password allows to limit access to the GUI of the Backup Manager;
  • set scheduling — setting of scheduling for  a device or a group of devices remotely;
  • set selection — setting of selection for  a device or a group of devices remotely;
  • set settings — specifying of settings for  a device or a group of devices remotely;
  • upload audit — updating audit information for  a device or a group of devices remotely on the server side;
  • upload dumps —  uploading dumps database for  a device or a group of devices remotely;
  • check consistency — checking consistency for  a device or a group of devices remotely;
  • set sql authentication — setting of MSSQL (only through DMO) authentication option;
  • force commit backup register — re-check and committing of a backup register;
  • force update backup register — updating of a backup register;
  • ignore revision – setting an ignore revision option for  a device or a group of devices remotely;
  • migrate to mssql vss — completing of migration from using MSSQL for backing up (through DMO to VSS);
  • clear selection — removing of selection from data sources;
  • update — updating the Client to a newer version;
  • shutdown — forcing FP process shutdown for  a device or a group of devices remotely.


If you want to send a remote command to one device, select this device in the main panel, right-click it and select “Send Remote Command” in the appeared




If you want to send a remote command to a group of devices, highlight necessary accounts by holding the key “Shift” and click “Send remote command“..




Below you will find a detailed description of all remote commands. Please pay attention to the field “Available parameters” aimed at helping to specify the right parameter.



This command launches a backup process for a selected device or a group of devices remotely. To specify data sources for backup, fill the following value into the field “Parameters“:

word “datasources” + space + names of data source separated by comma/the word “all

  • Fs for the File System data source;
  • SystemState for the System State data source;
  • MsSql for the MsSQL data source;
  • Exchange for the Exchange data source;
  • NetworkShares for the Network Shares data source;
  • VMWare for the VMware data source;
  • VssMsSql for the VssMsSql data source;
  • VssSharePoint for the Vss SharePoint data source;
  • Oracle for the Oracle data source.

Click “Ok” to send it:



This command launches the process of cancellation for a selected  device or a group of devices remotely. No parameters should be set for this command.

Сlick “Ok” to send it:




This command allows checking consistency for  a device or a group of devices remotely.

  • to check missing slices, fill “level MissingSlices” into the field “Parameters”.
  • to check missing cabinets, fill “level MissingCabinets” into the field “Parameters”.
  • to check mishashed parents, fill “level MishashedParents” into the field “Parameters”.
  • to start checking in the repair mode, type “repair true” into the field “Parameters”.

Click “Ok” to send the command:




This command allows removing selection from data sources. In order to set data sources for deletion, please fill the following value into the field “Parameters”:

word “datasources” + space + comma-separated names of data source to clear selection

  • Fs for the File System data source;
  • SystemState for the System State data source;
  • MsSql for the MsSQL data source;
  • Exchange for the Exchange data source;
  • NetworkShares for the Network Shares data source;
  • VMWarefor the VMware data source;
  • VssMsSql for the VssMsSql data source;
  • VssSharePoint for the Vss SharePoint data source;
  • Oracle for the Oracle data source.

Click “Ok” to send the command:


This command allows re-checking and committing the backup register. No parameters should be set for this command.

Click “Ok” to send the command:



This command allows updating the backup register. In order to specify tables for updating, fill the names of tables separated by a space into the field “Parameters” and click “Ok“:




This command is sent to a device in case of an issue with the revision number’s synchronization. No parameters should be set for this command.

Click “Ok” to send the command:




This command allows completing a migration process from using MSSQL for backing up (through DMO to VSS). This command does not require any parameters.

Click “Ok” to send it:



This command allows re-checking all files from the selected data sources for  a device or a group of devices during the next backup remotely. To select data source(s), please, fill into the field “Parameters”:

the word “datasources” + space + the list of data sources separated by comma/the word “all”  

The names of data sources that can be rechecked:

  • Fs for the File System data source;
  • SystemState for the System State data source;
  • MsSql for the MsSQL data source;
  • Exchange for the Exchange data source;
  • NetworkShares for the Network Shares data source;
  • VMWarefor the VMware data source;
  • VssMsSql for the VssMsSql data source;
  • VssSharePoint for the Vss SharePoint data source;
  • Oracle for the Oracle data source.

Click “Ok” to send the command:



This command allows re-initializing BackupFP for  a device or a group of devices remotely. No parameters should be set for this command.

Click “Ok” to send it:



This command allows restoring data source(s) of  a device or a group of devices. To perform a restore, please do the following:

  • to select data source(s), fill the word “datasources” + space + the list of data sources separated by a comma/the word “all” into the field “Parameters” to restore all data sources;
  • to specify the location for restored data, write “restore_to” + space + the path the data should be restored to;
  • to indicate the path the data should be restored to, write “selection” + space + the path the data should be restored to. The parameter can be used several times. The whole selected session will be restored if the parameter is empty or not specified;
  • to indicate the client’s time of a backup session to restore, write “time” + space + YYYY-MM-DD + space + HH:MM:SS

Click “Ok” to send it:



This command allows setting backup filters (add, delete, clean) for  a device or a group of devices remotely.

  • to add a new filter, fill the word “add” + space + a filter into the field “Parameters“.
  • to delete an old filter, fill the word “del” + space + a filter into the field “Parameters“.
  • to clean all filters, fill the word “clean” into the field “Parameters“.

NOTE: If you want to send a remote command to add filters, they should be separated by the symbol “|“:

E.g. add *.doc|*.txt

Click “Ok” to send the command:


This command allows setting bandwidth parameters for  a device or a group of devices remotely.

To set bandwidth, please fill the following values into the field “Parameters”:

  • for the enable line to enable or disable bandwidth: the word “enable” + space + true (to enable bandwidth)/ false (to disable bandwidth);
  • for the start line to set a start time for bandwidth: the word “start” + space + start time in format HH:MM;
  • for the stop line to set stop time for bandwidth: the word “stop” + space + stop time in format HH:MM;
  • for the enable line word “bandwidth” + space + maximum bandwidth during limited hours (kbit/s);
  • for the enable line word “weekends” + space + one from the following values:
    • true
    • false;
  • the word “datasources” + space + name of data source to cancel separated by comma or “all”:
    • Fs for the File System data source;
    • SystemState for the System State data source;
    • MsSql for the MsSQL data source;
    • Exchange for the Exchange data source;
    • NetworkShares for the Network Shares data source;
    • VMWare for the VMware data source;
    • VssMsSql for the Vss MsSQL data source;
    • VssSharePoint for the Vss SharePoint data source;
    • Oracle for the Oracle data source.

Click “Ok” to send it:
This command allows to limit access to the Backup Manager. Once that is done, GUI of the Backup Manager can’t be launched without the password.

  • to enable password protection of the GUI enter the word “password” + space + “new password
  • to disable the functionality enter the word “password” with no further characters


This command sets a non-standard logging level for  a device or a group of devices.

To select the level of logs, please fill the field “Parameters” with the word “level” + space + the number of log level.

Levels of logs:

  • 0 — debug (include debug, warning, error and log levels);
  • 1 — warning (include warning, error and log levels);
  • 2 — error (include error and log levels);
  • 3 — log (include only log level).

Click “Ok” to send the command:



This command sets schedule for  a device or a group of devices remotely.

To set schedule, you should fill the field “Parameters” with:

The word “clear” to clear schedule or the word “datasources + space + the data source’s list to the backup separated by comma or “all” on the first line:

  • Fs for the File System data source;
  • SystemState for the System State data source;
  • MsSql for the MsSQL data source;
  • Exchange for the Exchange data source;
  • NetworkShares for the Network Sharesdata source;
  • VMWare for the VMware data source;
  • VssMsSql for the Vss MsSQL data source;
  • VssSharePoint for the Vss SharePoint data source;
  • Oracle for the Oracle data source.
  • the word “time” + space + time in format HH:MM on the second line;
  • the word “days” + space + comma separated list of short English days of week or all on the third line:
    • Mon for Monday;
    • Tue for Tuesday;
    • Wed for Wednesday;
    • Thu for Thursday;
    • Fri for Friday;
    • Sat for Saturday;
    • Sun for Sunday.

Click “Ok” to send the command:



This command sets selection for  a device or a group of devices remotely.

To set selection, please fill the field  “Parameters” with the following values:

The word “clear all” to remove all selections
The word “datasources” + space + the name of the data source to back up on the first line:

  • Fs for the File System data source;
  • SystemState for the System State data source;
  • MsSql for the MsSQL data source;
  • Exchange for the Exchange data source;
  • NetworkShares for the Network Shares data source
  • VMWare for the VMware data source;
  • VssMsSql for the Vss MsSQL data source;
  • VssSharePoint for the Vss SharePoint data source;
  • Oracle for the Oracle data source.
  • the word “include” (or you can use the sign “+”) + space + the path to the file or the folder that should be included into the backup on the second line;
  • the word “exclude” (or you can use the sign “-“) + space + the path to the file or the folder that should be excluded from the backup on the third line.

  NOTE: the syntax for a network share should be \\example\etc.

the syntax for another datasource (if you are not sure about the path) should be \example\etc.

Click “Ok” to send the command:



This command sets settings for a device or a group of devices remotely.

To set settings, fill the field “Parameters” with the following values:

  • the word “User” + space + a new username;
  • the word “Password” + space + a new password;
  • the word “PasswordPolicy” + space + policy rules (“|” — separator of rules, “-” — diapason of rules, “,” — enumeration of rules, “:” — separator of symbols and quantity in a rule; e.g. “A-Z,a-z:6|a-z:1|0-9:2|!,$,#,%:2” means that scrambled password has to contain 6 letters, one of them in a lower case, 2 numbers and 2 symbols from the set {!,$,#,%});
  • the word “EncryptionKey” + space + a new encryption key;
  • the word “EncryptionMethod” + space + the name of the encryption method from the following values: word “ConnectionCheckInterval” + space + connection check interval in seconds:
    • Unencrypted;
    • AES-128;
    • AES-256;
    • Blowfish-448.
  • the word “Protocol” + space + protocol name from the following values:word “Server” + space + server IP;
    • FS;
    • FTPS:443
  • the word “PackageServer” + space + package server IP;
  • the word “StatsServer” + space + stats server IP;
  • the word “UseProxy” + space + one from the following values:
    • true;
    • false.
  • the word “ProxyType” + space + proxy type from the following values:word “ProxyAddress” + space + proxy address;
    • HTTP;
    • SOCKS4;
    • SOCKS5.
  • the word “ProxyPort” + space + proxy port;
  • the word “UseProxyAuthorization” + space + one from the following values:word “ProxyUsername” + space + proxy username;
    • true;
    • false.
  • word “ProxyPassword” + space + proxy password;
  • word “ReconnectProbability” + space + value from diapason (0..100);
  • word “PathToLocalStorage” + space + path to local storage;
  • word “LogPath” + space + path to log files;
  • word “TempDir” + space + path to the temporary directory;
  • word “MsSqlDeltaRestore” + space + one from the following values:
    • true;
    • false.
  • word “MailAddress” + space + mail address for Dashboards;
  • the word “SuppressCircularLoggingMessage” + space + one from the following values:
    • true;
    • false.
  • the word “MailSendPeriodicity” + space + periodicity numeric from the following values:
    • 0 = Daily;
    • 1 = WednesdayAndSaturday;
    • 2 = Saturday;
    • 3 = Never.

Click “Ok” to send the command:




This command sets the MSSQL (only through DMO) authentication option. To set it you should fill the field “Parameters”with the following values:

  • the word “instance” + space + the name of the MSSQL instance;
  • the word “username” + space + the name of the user with administrator rights for the MSSQL instance;
  • the word “password” + space + the password for the user;
  • the word “windowsauth” + space + one from the following values:
    • 1 — if windows authentication is used;
    • 0 — if windows authentication is not used.


This command forces the FP process shutdown, but after a while the FP process starts again automatically.

It requires no parameters. Just click “Ok” to send it:



This command starts the backup from scratch. Before sending the remote command “start over” you should rename the storage folder on the device’s folder on the server side, then send the command “start over” in the Cloud Management Console. It requires no parameters.

Click “Ok” to send it:




This command updates the client to the latest version. It does not require any parameters. Click “Ok” to start an update:



This command updates audit information for  a device or a group of devices on the server side. It requires no parameters.

Click “Ok” to send it:



This command uploads dump from the client when the program crashes. It requires no parameters.

Click “Ok” to send it:



This command uploads logs from  a device or a group of devices to the server. To upload logs to the server, please use the following parameters:

  • word “server” + space + server IP on the first line;
  • word “user” + space + user name for the stat server login on the second line;
  • word “password” + space + password for the entered user on the third line.


  • If the server, the user and the password are specified, all logs are uploaded to: server_IP\localuser\backup_admin\logs\server_IP\contract_name\
  • If these parameters are not specified, all logs are uploaded to: server_IP\localuser\common_user\dumps\logs\contract_name\

Click “Ok” to send the command:




If  the field “Parameters” is correctly filled in, the message about successful sending of the command will appear:


Otherwise an error message appears. In such a case, please send the command once again.